
Aerial images for Tourism & Outdoor

Tourism & Outdoor

Tourism is an incursion for trips, including travel industry, catering and leisure industry. Particularly in those sectors, aerial shots are very helpful to depict the diversity of landscapes and the leisure activities. In marketing, those shots cannot be avoided.
The numerous inserts of aerial shots on touristic information platforms, will help the client to choose the offer corresponding to his desire, considering the huge amount of offers of destinations.
By thus doing, sightseeings, whereabouts and hiking trails can be reviewed before the beginning of the trip.

MARES Teaser // Diving expedition to the Lake of Baikal

In February 2017, we flew to Russia, in Siberia, to the Lake of Baikal. There we supported the Mares / SSI / Revo team during their diving expedition under meters thick ice.

The outside temperatures went as low as -35° and expanded the preparations to secure the drone in he sky in order to film the wonderful landscape.

You can find the aerial shots not only in this trailer but also in the resulting documentary „Dive expedition Lake Baikal„.

SSI promotion // Become a dive professional

Become a pro – new diving instructors responding to this slogan are worldwide wanted. The advantages of this job can be seen in this social media video.

Bird´s eye perspective broaden the view of the Island of Roatan in Honduran.

High temperatures, air humidity around 90% and the localisation over the sea were no problem for us. Impressive aerial images resulting from this production.

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