
Aerials for image film or a commercial

Imagefilm & Commercial

An image film or a commercial is the new corporate brochure from today. It tells stories, whether short or long and introduces your company or your product. Businesses have been online for a long time and moving images are the best way to present your company. Aerial shots increase the dynamic and transmit it to the viewer. By doing this, the dimension or the company can be showed from the inside and the outside, which helps for the positioning in the surroundings.
Marketing means to depict the professionally of one´s company. It is now impossible to imagine the film industry without drone shot, they belong to the viewing habits of our society.

Bentley Image film // Location: Düsseldorf

The premium brand Bentley stands up for luxury, performance and quality at its highest level.
This image film has been created by Highflymotion together with Bentley Dealer Düsseldorf.

The drone was used in combination with propeller cage in order to fly in the showroom. Thereby could we manage indoor aerials and transmit properly Bentley´s claim.

HEAD Commercial // SeaVuDry Full Face Snorkeling Mask

Fun and lifestyle in focus.

The SeaVuDry snorkeling mask from Head is a the center of this social media promotional clips.

Aerial shots above the jungle of the peninsula of Yucatan of a Volkswagen Bully T1 were the goal achieved with those drone flights in Mexico.

Bentley Image Film // Location: Lyon

The automobile brand Bentley stands for luxury, performance and quality at its highest level.
This image film has been created by Highflymotion together with Bentley Dealer Lyon / France.

The drone was used in combination with propeller cage in order to fly in the showroom. Thereby could we manage indoor aerials and transmit properly Bentley´s claim.

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